"Art Evolved: Intertwined" , catalogue for the traveling exhibition jointly created by Studio Art Quilt Associates and National Basketry Association. 2023
"Currents, 2020 National Craft Exhibition", Northwest Designer Craftsmen at Schack
"All Things Considered-Basketry in the 21st Century", 2017, National Basketry Organization
"Fiber Art Now", Spring 2017 issue
"Proceedings of the Korea Bojagi Forum, 2016"
"Traditional and Transformational", catalogue for the exhibition of the same name, 2015, New Bedford Art Museum
"Perfect Fit-Shoes Tell Stories", catalogue for the exhibition of the same name, 2009, Fuller Craft Museum
"The Pattern Base by Kristi O'Meara, ISBN-13: 978-0500291795
Thames and Hudson
"Reaching Beyong: Northwest Designer Craftsmen at 60", catalogue for the exhibition. Essay by Ben Mitchell. Published by Whatcom Museum, 2014
ISBN 978-0-98228334-8-3
"Looking Forward Glancing Back Northwest Designer Craftsmen at 50", catalogue for the exhibition of the same name, Published in association with Whatcom Museum, 2004 ISBN 0-295-98431-7